There is no life without death. Ferrets' lifespans are fairly short, so every ferret lover will feel their ferret passing. It's never like shooting fish in a barrel. Y'all hope that with more feel of expiry, it will get easier. But the truth is, it always hurts to lose a ferret.

When I saw the signs of aging in Yuki–when she started to tedious down, sleep more, play less, and was diagnosed with lymphoma–I thought I could prepare myself for her death. After all, I had washed it five times earlier. I knew what the process was; I knew how to handle it. But it notwithstanding hit me similar a ton of bricks when she passed. Even ferret shelter owners who deal with hundreds of ferret deaths every year still tell us that the decease of a ferret is one of the well-nigh painful experiences of running a shelter. Waiting for your ferret to dice is an emotional time, no matter what.

Signs that your ferret is getting set up to cross the rainbow bridge

These signs might commencement up to a week before your ferret passes, just every ferret is different. If you are confused or uncertain almost what you should practise, talk to your vet. They can help you determine whether you should put your ferret to sleep or let them die at home.

  • Sleeping more – Equally the organs slowly beginning to shut down, the torso produces less free energy and therefore ferrets will sleep much more. They may exist harder to wake up from their sleep and exist lethargic when handling or out of the cage.
  • Reduced appetite – As the ferret nears the end of its life, she may eat less.
  • Squinty eyes – If a ferret is in hurting, you might notice that it has a permanent squint in its eyes.
  • Not interested in playing or spending time outside of their muzzle – The older a ferret gets, the less they are likely to play. Correct before their passing, they may give up on playing altogether. Dying ferrets may explore a bit exterior of their cage, only they almost likely won't be able to maintain the energy for very long.
  • Easier to handle – A ferret that is about to pass is usually more OK with existence cuddled and handled. A healthy ferret generally is too squirmy and total of energy to put upwardly with this. Some ferrets might even seek out your company and body warmth equally they become older.

How to spend your last week and days together

If you detect any of the signs above, take your ferret to the vet for confirmation that it is in its final stages of life and not something that tin can be treated.  If the vet confirms that there is nothing else that can be done, you should:

1. Make your ferret comfy

Make sure in that location are lots of make clean, fresh blankets in the ferret's muzzle to snuggle upwards in. Make their cage as cozy and snuggly every bit y'all mayhap can. You desire them to feel comfortable in the environment they volition exist spending their last days in. Provide them with fresh water and food (you might want to try a bone broth if they are non eating). At this time it might be a niggling difficult for them to be getting in and out of a litter box so you might want to consider using puppy pads instead or pouring the litter in one of the corners (without the litter box) to brand it as easy for them to become to the toilet every bit possible. They may also start to have problems with defecation, where they make a mess of their bums; make sure to launder any poop off their fur and go along them clean.

ii. Spoil them with dear

Stroke their heads gently while they sleep, permit them sleep in your sweater confronting your trunk for warmth, requite them gentle kisses, and tell them how much you love them and how much you appreciate them being in your life. Let them know that you are there for them during the biggest transition anyone goes through in life. They are loved and not solitary. Spend as much fourth dimension with them as you tin can.

3. Prepare yourself emotionally…every bit much as you tin

Seeing your ferret transition is not going to be easy. You will ugly cry, your heart will hurt, you will feel the absence of their presence. Seeing a love family fellow member dice is 1 of the nearly painful experiences there is. However, information technology is an honor to be with them at the end of their journey. They accept been there for you lot throughout your life, now information technology's your turn to be there for them at the terminate of their journey.

four. You might need to make a tough decision

Depending on whether your ferret is suffering a lot, you lot might demand to brand the conclusion to accept them euthanized. You will demand to trust yourself on this or consult your vet for advice if you are not sure. While it can exist beautiful to allow the ferret dice in the comfort of their own home, sometimes it tin be kinder to permit them get before they endure more pain.

Me and my ex-husband Doug, comforting our beautiful boy Sammy while he was passing over the rainbow bridge
Me and my ex-husband Doug, comforting our beautiful male child Sammy while he was passing over the rainbow span.

Comforting your ferret in its final hours

The terminal hours will be the most emotionally draining hours for you. Nevertheless, it's important to recall that fifty-fifty though it is difficult for you, it'due south non about you. It's about your ferret. During this fourth dimension, they really will need you to agree infinite for them, tell them that it'southward IK to let go, tell them y'all love them, and just be there for them while they slip away.

If possible, tuck your ferret in a blanket or nether your sweater in lodge to maintain a warm body temperature and keep them cosy and comfortable. Offer them some water off your fingertip in case they might take a dry mouth, just don't force it. In some instances, the ferret's jaw will clamp right before death and they are unable to potable or eat. It'southward just a function of their trunk shutting down.

You lot may notice that the ferrets animate starts to become louder or irregular. This is because it's organs are shutting downwards, resulting in fluid build upward in their lungs. This is a tell-tale sign that death is well-nigh.

As the heart, lungs, and other organs start to fail, you might notice that your ferret'southward body temperature starts to fall and the color might bleed out of their olfactory organ, eyes, paws, and tongue. Their nervous organization will start to shut downwardly which will inhibit their power to glimmer or consume. They volition start to go limp in your artillery.

During this time, continue to hold space for them, wrap them in the blanket or position them in their favorite sleeping position. Give them kisses, talk to them. It is believed that the hearing is the last sense to fail, so they will nigh likely hear what you lot are saying to them. When my ferrets dice, I like to tell them that it is OK to allow go, that they are safe and loved, and that they will soon be reunited with all their brothers and sisters across the rainbow bridge.

You may feel their terminal breath and their last heartbeat. All of a sudden, their body becomes an empty shell that in one case housed your beautiful, mischievous ferret'due south spirit.

Don't feel the demand to keep in your emotions, allow yourself to grieve and allow it all become. Then, when you are ready, yous volition need to coffin your ferret or accept it cremated.

Know that you did the best y'all could for your ferret throughout her life and in her death. Now she volition get another ane of your little angels that guide you through life.

Doug comforting Binxi in her final hours. We decided to put her down at the vet as she seemed to be in too much pain. That was one of the hardest decisions to make. 
Doug comforting Binxi in her final hours. We decided to put her down at the vet as she seemed to be in too much pain. That was one of the hardest decisions to brand.

This article originally appeared in Dook Dook Ferret Magazine (Issue 13). To receive 6 new Dook Dook Ferret Magazines per year + get admission to other bonuses and then bring together the Ferret-World Membership.