Funny Things in the Background of Spongebob

SpongeBob SquarePants stars a bandage of ten main characters. They were created by Stephen Hillenburg, who worked as a teacher of marine science earlier becoming an artist. He was inspired to design a group of aquatic characters while working at the Ocean Constitute in the 1980s.

Stephen Hillenburg'southward first sketch of the principal characters.

All of the principal characters.

The title character is a sea sponge named SpongeBob. He has two neighbors: a pink starfish named Patrick and an big-headed octopus named Squidward. He works for a miserly crab named Mr. Krabs, who lives in an ballast with his whale daughter Pearl. SpongeBob attends a boat-driving school where he is taught by a pufferfish named Mrs. Puff. He often visits Sandy, a squirrel from the state who lives in an air-filled dome. The villains of the prove are a copepod named Plankton and his waterproof computer, Karen, who want to run Mr. Krabs out of business organisation. SpongeBob also has a pet snail, Gary, who meows similar a cat. Each episode features SpongeBob and at to the lowest degree one of the other main characters.

SpongeBob and Pearl were the first two characters that Stephen created for the show. He created SpongeBob because he idea it was funny to use the sea sponge⁠—a "weird" sea beast and 1 of his favorite animals⁠—as the lead character. He was inspired to create Pearl while supervising whale watches at the Bounding main Institute. Stephen was peculiarly interested in the sperm whale, which he chose for Pearl'due south species. Nearly of the other main characters were invented for his series bible, a book that he used to pitch the show to Nickelodeon.

A new improver to the main bandage, Mrs. Puff, was made at the request of Nickelodeon in 1997. They told Stephen that they would non produce the cartoon unless SpongeBob was a child who went to schoolhouse, with his teacher equally a principal character.[i] Stephen was ready to "walk out" on Nickelodeon; he insisted that SpongeBob should be a childlike adult then that he could be universally relatable. He eventually came up with a compromise that he loved: SpongeBob would get to a gunkhole-driving schoolhouse, run by a pufferfish named Mrs. Puff.[1] This satisfied Nickelodeon's requests for a teacher while keeping SpongeBob equally an adult.[ii]

The flavor 2 main character canvas. Plankton and Karen weren't promoted until 2004.

Main characters

SpongeBob SquarePants (character)

Patrick Star

Squidward Tentacles

Eugene H. Krabs

Sheldon J. Plankton

Karen Plankton

Sandy Cheeks

Mrs. Puff

Pearl Krabs

Gary the Snail



Colored drawing past Hillenburg.

When Stephen Hillenburg first created SpongeBob, he wanted to use the about obscure body of water fauna he could think of. In a July 1999 interview for Nickelodeon Magazine, he recalled request himself "What would be the funniest, weirdest kind of beast to be the star?"[iii]

He thought about this and selected the body of water sponge every bit "the near ridiculous" animal. Natural sea sponges have amorphous, blob-similar shapes, but they can be cutting and shaped into rectangles for cleaning products. Hillenburg's first sketches of the character had natural blob shapes, only as he gave the graphic symbol a nerdy personality, he decided that a "squeaky-make clean square" like a kitchen sponge fit the concept.

Hillenburg wanted to proper name the character "SpongeBoy," just this name was already trademarked every bit a mop product. He renamed the character SpongeBob, taking inspiration from a previous character he created, called Bob the Sponge. He felt that the word "sponge" had to be kept in the name to foreclose confusion over his species.

Pearl and Mr. Krabs

Pearl was the 2nd graphic symbol that Stephen Hillenburg created for the series.[iv] He worked as a teacher at the Sea Institute in California for many years. At that place, he was a bout guide for whale watches. He also tended to a whale skeleton exhibit that kids could await at.[five] Hillenburg was particularly interested in the sperm whale, the world's largest toothed predator.

Hillenburg thought it would be funny if Pearl was a self-conscious teenager who happens to be a ginormous whale. At offset, he wanted her personality to match the actual traits of a sperm whale. Sperm whales have the biggest encephalon out of any living animal on Globe, then he wanted Pearl to exist a super-smart math student.[half dozen] The writing team felt that most viewers wouldn't understand the reference, and then this was dropped from her final graphic symbol.

Since Pearl is a teenager, Hillenburg had to give her a parent figure. He wanted each chief character to be a different species, making the cast more diverse and interesting. Thus, he decided to make Pearl's dad a crab rather than another whale. He named the crab "Mr. Crabs." This was afterwards changed to Krabs, every bit Hillenburg thought K's were funnier.[4]

Hillenburg based Mr. Krabs on his erstwhile boss at a seafood restaurant. This dominate was red-faced and had a stiff Maine accent that sounded like a pirate.[seven] Hillenburg decided that Mr. Krabs would utilize SpongeBob at his eating place, the Krusty Krab, where he lived with Pearl. He somewhen designed an anchor-shaped business firm for them to alive in instead, keeping the eating house carve up from episodes nearly the Krabs family'due south habitation life.

Squidward and Patrick

Hillenburg felt that the bulbous head of an octopus fabricated it look snobbish and pompous.[eight] He made an arrogant octopus character as a foil to SpongeBob'due south cheerful nature. He named the graphic symbol Squidward because it played off of the real proper name "Edward," but his species was always an octopus. Squidward was designed with a round head, unlike squids, which have triangular heads.

Sketches of Squidward.

He decided that Squidward would live near SpongeBob and work with him as well, giving them plenty of time to interact, much to Squidward'due south annoyance. He started thinking of ideas for stories about SpongeBob and Squidward together. His initial idea for a airplane pilot episode was about them on a road trip, where SpongeBob'southward enthusiasm would clash with Squidward's naysaying. On the mode, he wanted them to run into an aroused starfish bartender who was mad that he was pink.[9]

Hillenburg kept developing this starfish character, and he ditched the idea that he would exist a bartender. He reimagined the starfish every bit Patrick Star, a friend and neighbor of SpongeBob's who would exist a abiding source of unintentionally bad advice. Patrick became the comic relief of the show.


Sandy was created equally a thrill-seeking "surfer squirrel" who would make desultory appearances, calculation bursts of action and take chances to the evidence's underwater setting. Her original design included a wetsuit and an air tank, but she was redrawn to look more than like an astronaut.

Hillenburg stated in 2014 that he created Sandy every bit "a potent female character that could be a friend to SpongeBob but not a dear interest."[10] Nonetheless, Tim Hill wanted to add a romantic attribute to the evidence when he helped Hillenburg with the series bible. He suggested that there be hints of romance between SpongeBob and Sandy. Hillenburg was okay with this at first, and Sandy's original bio described her equally the "apple of SpongeBob's eye."[11] Subsequently on in the show'due south run, he changed his mind and insisted that SpongeBob and Sandy would just be friends, not a couple.[10]

Mrs. Puff

Mrs. Puff'southward original design (1997)

Stephen Hillenburg called Mrs. Puff the "nigh of import" character to the show'due south history, saying that she "saved" the show from non being greenlit.[1] He created her as a new main character in 1997, soon after he pitched SpongeBob to Nickelodeon.[one] The network gave him a strict club: they would merely produce the show if SpongeBob was a kid who went to schoolhouse.[12] Hillenburg was ready to "walk out" on Nickelodeon, because writing SpongeBob as a schoolhouse-age child went confronting his artistic vision.

However, he came upwards with Mrs. Puff and her Boating Schoolhouse equally a compromise, allowing SpongeBob to attend school as an adult.[2] Because Hillenburg began his career equally a marine science teacher, Mrs. Puff was a personal grapheme to him, and he channeled many of his experiences every bit a teacher into her character. He chose the pufferfish for her species to evoke the wait of a machine'south airbag popping out.


Gary was non originally a main character. Stephen Hillenburg created Gary as a minor background joke; he idea it would exist funny if SpongeBob'south "pets" were a singing clam named Shelley and a meowing snail named Gary. He included these ideas in his series bible, not as major characters, only as "things in SpongeBob's house." As the first season went into production, the writing team found much more utilise for Gary than they did for Shelley. Nickelodeon's marketing team too found that Gary "emerged as an unsung hero" in terms of popularity with kids.

For season 2, Gary was promoted to the evidence's main character sheet. He was officially added on March 22, 2000.[13] He was the first new main character to be promoted, but he would not be the last; Plankton and Karen were added later.

Plankton and Karen

Plankton was commencement created by Stephen Hillenburg as a potential villain for the evidence and was included in his series bible in 1996. However, he later feared that Plankton'due south stories would get repetitive and predictable. During the production of season 1, Hillenburg demoted Plankton from a principal character to a pocket-sized one; he insisted that Plankton would piece of work better equally a one-time guest star.[14] However, Doug Lawrence loved the graphic symbol. He used his writing and acting skills to prove that Plankton could work as a major adversary.[xv]


Interview with Mr. Lawrence about Plankton'due south origins

Doug Lawrence summarized Plankton's origins in 2015, saying that he "was only supposed to be in 1 or two episodes, but I was a writer on the show and I actually liked this graphic symbol."[fourteen] Following his commencement phonation recording equally Plankton, Lawrence wrote some of his own ideas for the grapheme and passed them to Hillenburg.[fourteen] From then on, Plankton began to appear more than often.

Karen was beginning introduced as Plankton's "waterproof estimator system" who would be a part of all of his inventions. Karen was named after Karen Hillenburg, the wife of the testify's creator, Stephen Hillenburg.[16] Hillenburg called his wife "the funniest person he knows"[17] and her sense of humour inspired the cartoon Karen's personality. Doug Lawrence helped Hillenburg develop Karen's character and give her a personality. Her voice is provided by Jill Talley, who is the wife of SpongeBob's voice role player, Tom Kenny. In early on episodes upward to the season iv episode "Best Frenemies," Karen was an immobile computer screen stationed in the Chum Saucepan. Starting with The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie and the season 5 episode "Friend or Foe," Karen is given a "mobile form" that allows her to interact with other characters.

Doug Lawrence decided that Plankton and Karen should be an inseparable duo, with Karen as the brains of the functioning, always supplying Plankton with evil plans. Lawrence said: "I desire more Karen on the testify ... The married life of an evil genius is the funniest thing to me, so in that regard [Karen] definitely enhances Plankton'southward stories making him more than than just your typical bad guy."[18]

Plankton and Karen promoted to the "Main Cast" section.

Doug Lawrence says that Plankton and Karen finally became primary characters subsequently the third season. The credits of the 2004 motion-picture show were the start fourth dimension that the SpongeBob franchise ever billed a "Principal Cast" in its credits. Both Plankton and Karen were both officially promoted to main characters in the picture show's credits. Since then, their stories accept been one of the show's most popular and of import elements.


Character bios

Main Model Pack

The show'south artists use a book called the Primary Model Pack to keep the designs, colors, and sizes of the main characters consistent. The pack includes basic models, turnarounds, color keys, and certain costumes. The most of import part of the pack is the "Main Characters Model Sail," a ii-folio spread showing all of the main characters' normal looks.

During flavor 1, the canvass only featured viii character models, in order: Sandy in her bathing suit, Sandy in her diving arrange, SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl.

The main character models for the first season. Plankton, Karen, and Gary were not promoted even so.

In flavour two, Gary was added to the canvas, and after season 3, Plankton was added. Karen was added to the "BG Layout Stock Pack," which includes layouts for the main objects, props, and locations (the Krabby Patty and Krusty Krab are likewise included). Her wall form is e'er part of the background paintings and is labeled Background. Her mobile course is considered a prop rather than a graphic symbol model, and it is labeled Prop.

External links

  • SpongeBob SquarePants characters - NickSplat
  • Characters - Nickelodeon Universe
  • Characters - Nickelodeon Asia
  • Characters - Nickelodeon Australia
  • Characters - Nickelodeon Denmark
  • Characters - Nickelodeon New Zealand
  • Characters - Nickelodeon Sweden


  1. ^ a b c d Big Pop Fun podcast: Stephen Hillenburg, artist and animator
  2. ^ a b TBIVision: 'SpongeBob SquarePants' creator Steve Hillenburg
  3. ^ Nickelodeon Magazine: July 1999 event
  4. ^ a b Nickelodeon Magazine: From Boy to Bob
  5. ^ Makin' Toons: Inside the Most Popular Animated TV Shows and Movies
  6. ^ Pearl pitch bio
  7. ^ The Mini Page: What a Sponge!
  8. ^ Case of the Sponge "Bob"
  9. ^ The Oral History of SpongeBob SquarePants
  10. ^ a b Complex interview
  11. ^ Nick Animation on Twitter
  12. ^ Longreads: The Boyfriend and the Sea Sponge
  13. ^ Season 2 main characters sheet
  14. ^ a b c See the vocalisation behind a SpongeBob graphic symbol
  15. ^ Mr. Lawrence interview: December 21, 2019
  16. ^ Plankton! (sound commentary)
  17. ^ Stephen Hillenburg biography
  18. ^ Andy Goodman interviews Mr. Lawrence, 2009


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