Ken Rickvalsky, ENV SP, NACE CT

It'south been a fascinating three-decade run for me serving the water and sewer industry. Beginning with fourteen years at Griffin Pipe Products as their National Production Engineer, so developing that role further over the terminal 15 years with the McWane organisation, I have been blessed to meet the entirety of N America and much of Canada time and over again for as well many interesting scenarios to e'er list.

I've met and worked with countless wonderful people across all aspects of utility pattern, manufacture, structure, troubleshooting, and professional person development. Through the years many of them have become personal as well. I've loved every day of it, even the bad ones considering those are the ones where your graphic symbol, advice skills, and desire to productively assistance are non only required only tested. That'south what makes it fun. Stepping in when others are compelled to step dorsum.

Outside of work I savour quiet time with friends and family, sports of all kinds, and my greatest consignment ever ... being a Grandpa, courtesy of my son Kyle and his wonderful wife Erin.