Bearing Aifs Miracle Ear Left Ear Orange or Blue

What is Phenomenon-Ear?

Miracle-Ear is a hearing solution visitor that sells FDA-approved devices to help people with hearing disabilities and Tinnitus. They offer hearing aids at over 1,500 brick-and-mortar locations and are plant in every country. Miracle-Ear's certified representatives can help you get a free hearing examination in order to help you lot cull the best device for you.

All of their branches offering hearing evaluations, hearing aid consultations, fittings, maintenance, and more services to help their customers. You can choose to piece of work with a professional to choose the best Miracle-Ear products for your level of hearing disability, budget, preferences, or blueprint.

Miracle-Ear provides hearing aids for all types of hearing loss, from mild to profound. Their batteries are rechargeable and h2o-resistant. However, you lot cannot purchase their products online.

What Types of Hearing Aids Does Miracle-Ear Offer?


As you might already know, there are three types of hearing aids, these are:

  • In-the-ear (ITE): This style includes all types of hearing aids that are worn within the ear, rather than behind it. Some of them are custom-fitted to the bowl of your outer ear; still, many of them actually sit inside of the ear canal. This makes them very discreet but also more difficult to handle than other options and more than likely to build upwards moisture and wax within the ear.

  • Receiver-in-canal (RIC):Also known equally receiver-in-ear, they accept a speaker inserted in the ear canal, while the residuum of the device is placed behind the ear. The difference betwixt RIC and BTE hearing aids is that RIC is more discreet and could help avoid feedback issues. Nonetheless, it is reported that this type of hearing aids requires more than maintenance.

  • Behind-the-ear (BTE): This blazon hooks over the acme of your ear with the bulk of the device sitting behind your ear. BTE hearing aids take easier controls and longer bombardment lives, but the only downside of it is that information technology is more visible than other hearing aids (But this should non be a problem as using hearing aids is nothing to be embarrassed about).

If you adopt invisible hearing aids, information technology is best to opt for an ITE device. They're custom-designed to fit within of your ear canal. On the other manus, a RIC hearing aid has a speaker that can fit right inside the ear canal. They can be larger than ITE models, only they're nonetheless quite unimposing.

If you're comfortable with your hearing aid devices being visible, you can depend on BTE hearing devices considering they provide the highest level of distension. No matter what type of device you choose, Phenomenon-Ear'south hearing aids models come in unlike forms

Special features of Miracle-Ear devices include:

  • Speech isolation: Devices amplify speaking sounds above others to make information technology easier to follow the voice communication.
  • Tinnitus control: This characteristic helps to tone drown annoying sounds that are the result of Tinnitus.


Here are the products that you can wait Miracle-Ear to provide y'all with:


This is Miracle-Ear's most affordable hearing aid product line and therefore, they accept fewer features. You lot can choose i of the two styles information technology comes in: behind-the-ear and receiver-in-canal. Miracle-Ear has stated that the Miracle-EarEASY RIC model offers yous "superior sound quality," while the BTE model is "comfy and powerful." Unfortunately, they don't have Bluetooth connectivity or rechargeable batteries.

Here are some of the features that Miracle-EarEASY products include:

  • Directional microphones.
  • Feedback cancellation.
  • Speech and racket direction.
  • Lightweight frame.


This product line is most suitable for users who adopt invisible and discreet hearing aid products. These products come in two styles: ITE and RIC. The ITE design is almost visible and unnoticeable so it is perfect if you don't like how hearing aid devices look.

Some of the features that Miracle-EarMINI products include:

  • Directional microphones.
  • Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Feedback cancellation.
  • Superior fit due to custom-fabricated design.


These devices are Bluetooth hearing aids with two styles bachelor: RIC and BTE. Using Miracle-EarCONNECT, you can connect them to other Bluetooth-enabled devices like your Idiot box, telephone, PC, or GPS. That is because these devices send sound directly to your hearing aids which helps you hear better than if the audio was just traveling through the air.

The features of Miracle-EarCONNECT include:

  • Remote control of hearing aid settings.
  • Switching between multiple devices.
  • Personalized listening experience, based on environs.
  • Discreet model.


This device is a rechargeable hearing help product line available in RIC and BTE styles. You don't have to worry most disposing of batteries because you can just charge your devices when you're not using them. That is because Miracle-Ear'southward rechargeable hearing aids use advanced lithium-ion engineering

Miracle-EarENERGY charge can last upwardly to 24 hours—and charging the device for even xxx minutes tin can acquit upward to eight hours in bombardment life. With a modest, portable charger, Miracle-EarENERGY hearing aids help back up your agile lifestyle so you never have to worry nearly running out of battery.

Other features of Miracle-EarENERGY include:

  • Directional microphones.
  • Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Voice recognition.


Phenomenon-Ear offers a multi-function Android and iOS smartphones application. This app includes functions that assistance you do many useful things like:

  • Ability to raise or lower the volume
  • Choosing from custom hearing assist programs in different environments
  • Edit bass and treble settings
  • Learn how to clean and care for your hearing aids
  • Use the Find My Hearing Aid locator to find lost hearing aids
  • View manufactures, news, and videos virtually hearing aids and hearing health
  • Find the nearest Miracle-Ear location and volume an appointment

Not all of Miracle-Ear's products are compatible with this smartphone app.

Miracle-Ear besides offers diverse accessories such as portable chargers (including an inductive charger for rechargeable hearing aids), a Bluetooth sound clip for connecting hearing aids to smartphones and other Bluetooth devices, also equally a Television receiver streamer for sending audio to multiple listeners at the aforementioned time.


At this point, you must be wondering about Miracle Ear prices. So allow us get a brief review of their prices and see how they are compared to other companies on the market.

They don't give clear prices for the products on their website as they don't even have a pricing folio. However, their most informative section mentions the following line: "It's no secret: hearing aids are not cheap. The average cost of a hearing aid is $i,000 to $4,000."

While this sentence gives you a sense of what their hearing aids could toll yous, it'southward however fashion too vague for buyers to confirm how much they need to pay. Information technology is extremely important for users to know the hearing aid prices before purchasing them as many people can afford $thou just not many can pay $4000 for a hearing aid, especially those on a budget.

This is one of the few aspects that customers e'er vocalisation their dissatisfaction toward. Information technology would be much better if Miracle Ear added a pricing page to their website.

Wellness Insurance and Financing

Miracle Ear justifies the loftier prices of their hearing aids with the fact that they provide their customers with many benefits that other companies don't provide.

For case, they provide help services from a dedicated hearing assistance professional, lifetime aftercare for their products (including testing, cleaning, fitting, inspection, and repairs), and advanced level of technology included in their hearing aids products (like voice recognition, speech isolation, and movement sensors).

You lot also might exist able to commencement the cost of their hearing aids depending on your situation. Miracle Ear claim that they have about major insurance plans, and that they offer hearing aid financing at many of its locations. Customers on programs such as Medicaid and VA healthcare may too be eligible for support from the Miracle-Ear Foundation.

Getting Started with Phenomenon Ear

To start with them, you can visit Miracle Ear's website to take a complimentary online hearing test. This test lets y'all know if yous demand to consider undergoing an in-person test or non. In instance you decided to get a hearing aid, the only way to exercise that is past going to i of their locations.

Through the company website, yous can schedule an in-person exam. A licensed professional person will take your hearing health history, check your ears, and perform several hearing tests during the exam.

If the test results evidence that you need a hearing assist, you tin try out different types of hearing aids. You lot can also talk to their staff to decide which hearing assist is the right one for you,

If you set your mind to buy a hearing assistance from at that place, Miracle Ear will help you kickoff the plumbing fixtures process right away.

Customer Reviews

There are mixed reviews regarding Miracle Ear hearing aids. Some users say that they had trouble adjusting the devices properly and other users report hearing annoying feedback. Some people likewise have difficulty getting the hearing aids to fit correctly.

Withal, many customers pointed out that they get excellent customer service. A lot of users seem pleased and content with the in-person testing and plumbing fixtures services.

Terminal Thoughts

Miracle-Ear has proven to be i of the all-time hearing aids companies on the market place. Information technology has been in that location for 70 years and it is a favorite for many users. Although we take this with a grain of salt equally they are not transparent about their prices on their website which would be extremely dissatisfying for customers on a budget.

The reviews regarding this hearing aids company are quite mixed, to say the least. Many people report having trouble adjusting the hearing aids devices and many others reported hearing annoying feedback. However, a lot of customers have praised Miracle-Ear'due south customer service, likewise as testing and fitting services.


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